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This is a call for reinvention.

A new life for people and organizations.

The world is changing. Sustainability has never been so prominent and in the minds of so many people, companies and governments. Every day we see news in the mainstream media about the topic in a broad scope. We are being called to make profound changes toward a new social and environmental perspective. With the awareness that we are interdependent, we started to seek unprecedented solutions for human and natural complexities.
And now we are facing a crossroads with a problem well beyond the pandemic and its consequences. The climate crisis is knocking on our door and groups suffering discrimination throughout history are fighting for the recognition of their rights and historical redress.

One of the key ways of making this transformation happen on a larger scale is if entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprises engage with topics such as ESG and sustainability, as well as reflect on their real role in society.

The new journey requires an alignment of purpose with positive impact practices. This is the regeneration and it has already started.

"And may our fertile grounds and conscious actions bring us the future we want"



Vamos Regenerar aims to offer groups and organizations a transition path toward regeneration and positive impact.
It was born with the firm belief that integration between businesses, people and nature is possible and that, in order to achieve it, maybe we only have to look through a lens that makes us see the real integration of the whole. And, as a result, new practices aligned with a new awareness regarding regenerative development. New narratives for a new age.
It is past time to talk about Sustainability and ESG. So, through products and services that focus on regeneration, Vamos Regenerar facilitates and accelerates this change of perception and the commitment to generate more living conditions.


Only if we work together for a planet and society that are more diverse, healthy, vibrant and bio productive, we'll be able to create regenerative cultures where no one is left behind and everyone wins.
To be successful, organized groups, entrepreneurs, and small and medium enterprises play a fundamental role in pioneering and leading solutions based on integral health, social well-being, ecology, and economics. New businesses for a new age – an age when everyone is included and benefits.
The invitation for regeneration is a call for a transition in awareness.
And this is only possible if based on solid values, such as:



Based on truth and transparency, ensuring the equity of all people with whom we interact. Attitudes that allow healthy and sustainable exchanges.



Just like nature and its elements, the ability to adapt and flexibility after any event or situation. It is about having within you a sun that never sets. A sun that warms you and brings life to everyone in all situations.



The internal capacity to donate and genuinely look at impacts beyond yourself. It is the virtue of goodness and abundance, the daughter of selfless love and empathy.




Regeneration must be built collaboratively as a new culture, where nothing and nobody is left out or ignored. Regenerative culture is about collective efforts.



We are all interconnected. I am life because you are life – mineral, vegetable, and animal.

You exist because we exist. We are one. I am because we are, because we "interbe".



Serving and surrendering to the higher consciousness that connects us, while nature provides an essential link. Reverence for the wisdom of nature and the regeneration she teaches us from her cycles. Recognizing the nature that dwells within ourselves. Honoring the All is honoring one's essence.


"Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing" - Arundhati Roy. "If we take the time to get the questions right, to live the questions more deeply individually and collectively, we will not only be able to hear this new world breathing, we will realize that with each breath we take we are participants in the networks of relationships that are giving birth to this world."

Daniel Christian Wahl, in Designing Regenerative Cultures



Regeneration takes place from within to without. Regeneration takes place from without to within. The transition only makes sense if it generates shared value in this inside and outside flow:



The methodology of REGENERATIVE TRANSITIONS: a systemic path is a continuous and interconnected cycle. These services are offered in complementary but independent steps.

Systemic regenerative thinking

Deepening of the regeneration awakening: change of perspective and modus operandi.

How: experiences, workshops, lectures, brainstorming, diving into the theory of change, (regenerative) design thinking or Theory U.


My name is Bárbara. I live in São Paulo, but each day I feel that nature is my real home. I'm 33 years old. I have been working as a sustainability consultant for 6 years and I see myself as a professional who facilitates transitions to positive impacts.

I have a communications degree, with a major in Social Communication and a minor in Public Relations. I specialized in Strategic Brand Management and took several courses in the area of communication and marketing. However, what has always driven me was spreading the message of a changing world.

Then, in 2014, I transitioned to corporate Sustainability and participated in the Gaia Education's program 'Design for Sustainability' and also the GRI Certified Training Course.
Since then, my deepening in the subject led me to the understanding that it is necessary to undergo very deep and systemic transformations, which go beyond and generate more life capacity to the whole system of the Earth – i.e. regeneration.

Knowing that I am not going alone, since we need to go together, I am inviting groups and organizations to join the positive impact movement.

With over 10 years of experience in organizations such as Banco ABN Amro Real, Banco Santander, Citibank, and Itaú Unibanco and, as a consultant, I have helped to launch projects for the financial sectors, NGOs, retail and, mainly, SMEs that want to come into the world of positive impact by regenerating their activities.

I have experience in conducting ESG reporting projects (GRI and Integrated Reporting), managing social and environmental projects; creation, collection and monitoring of ESG indicators; answering market questionnaires such as the Sustainability Indexes (ISE and DJSI) and System B; stakeholder engagement (with different strategies and action fronts); management and monitoring of suppliers with a focus on ESG; and management and communication strategy for sustainability and causes.


Here you access important documents for the management of Vamos Regenerar. A transparent way to present the essence of the organization more based on our reports, commitments and vision of the future.

Let's go together?


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